Owls have always been my favorite animals, ever since I was in elementary school. So when I saw the Barred Owl, on the list, I knew that it was the one I was meant to write about. And so, here we are, a girl on her bed, at ten at night, on a school night, typing a 300-word essay, on her favorite animal in the world. Anyways, I’ll let you get to the actual facts now. The following is some research on one of many types of owls in the world.
The Barred Owl, or otherwise known as Strix Varia, is large grey and white owls, that tend to live in swamps or forested areas. The owl received its name due to the bars it has on its feathers. And unlike other species, this particular bird has black eyes instead of yellow. Though they may not be at the top of the concerned list, actually according to national geographic they are the least concerned when it comes to endangerment, it is still important to be informed on animals. They are common in Eastern North America and have even expanded into Canada. Their voices and calls are another characteristic that sets them apart from other basic owls. While most species “hoo” in the night, Barred Owls are often heard during the day. And it’s not only the time at which they are heard, it’s the way they sound. Mostly everyone knows how a typical owl sounds, it simply makes a “hoo” and then it’s over. Barred Owls, on the other hand, are much more musical. Instead of the common sound we all know, they let out a rhythmic of hoo’s. It is best known as who-cooks-for- you, who-cooks-for-you-all, hoo. These creatures are truly beautiful, wonderful, and amazingly unique. It is definitely safe to say, that they are not like other owls. And while, this is not a whole lot of information on this owl, I hope that you at least know more about them than what you did at the beginning of this paper.