
Cajun Encounters
Sep 4, 2019

Shivani Kapoor


Named after the French botanist Pierre Magnol, the magnolia is a diverse genus that encompasses over 200 flowering plants. The magnolia is an ancient group of trees, which have been proven to be in existence before even bees were there to help pollinate the plants. In fact, many suspect that the flowers spread their pollen with the help of beetles. On top of being an extremely old genus, magnolia trees live over 100 years.

The magnolia virginiana, also known as the swamp magnolia or sweet bay magnolia, is one species that makes their homes in coastal and swamp areas of the United States. Contrary to its name, the swamp magnolia does not actually require swamp conditions to thrive, and just needs wet soil and plenty of sunlight.

Named after the French botanist Pierre Magnol, the magnolia is a diverse genus that encompasses over 200 flowering plants. The magnolia is an ancient group of trees, which have been proven to be in existence before even bees were there to help pollinate the plants. In fact, many suspect that the flowers spread their pollen with the help of beetles. On top of being an extremely old genus, magnolia trees live over 100 years.

The magnolia virginiana, also known as the swamp magnolia or sweet bay magnolia, is one species that makes their homes in coastal and swamp areas of the United States. Contrary to its name, the swamp magnolia does not actually require swamp conditions to thrive, and just needs wet soil and plenty of sunlight.